Einstein once asked "How does it feel to be the smartest man in the world"
He replied "Ask Nicolas Tesla"
When the buildings were shaken, the water network exploded, and the people of Manhattan took to the streets for fear of the earthquake, only the police knew the truth. They broke into a Tesla research lab and found it in the wreckage of a strange, complex machine that was still brutally destroying it using a heavy hammer and looked at them, saying, 'It's too late, gentlemen. The experiment ended and i smashed the vibration transmitter, a remote-wave dynamic that I made
It wasn't big, but it was strong enough to turn the Empire skyscraper into a pile of stones in a few minutes if you used it there. Elon Musk did not call his company for modern car a tesla in vain, the genius of Nikola Tesla exceeded the limits of his time with his amazing and strange inventions that changed the world around us began from the electric motor, which was finally published tesla's invention of the electric motor in the form of a car, which bears his name as a brand Tesla's invention of the motor that rotates under the influence of magnetic fields can free the human race from the suffocating grip of the big oil company, this invention is radically changed from what we have now (industrial fans - household appliances - water pumps - industrial machinery) and many others as well as discovered Nikola Tesla x-rays, which were heavily researched in the early 19th century, but Nikola Tesla did research on it in full
The discovery of X-rays stems from the belief that everything we need to understand the universe is around us all the time, but we need to use our minds to develop real instruments to support our innate perception of existence (radio, wireless communications, unlimited free energy) and the prevailing belief that William Marconi is The inventor of radio to this day, however, the Supreme Court revoked Marconi's patent in 1943, when it was established that Nikola Tesla had invented years ago before William Marconi, that radio signals were just a frequency that needed a transmitter and a receiver, and that's what Tesla showed in 1893 through a presentation, which was previously For the National Optical Electrical Association, Tesla promises this discovery the spiritual father of the Wi-Fi waves that you are now using in your phone and rot control to complement electronic devices and these inventions that we mentioned are only part of Nikola Tesla's complete work in the development of the technological renaissance. For the modern age, a world that would have preferred to retire and constantly search to discover more about our world than fame.
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